How do different images from the same camera vary in file size?


Wouldn’t a camera with a constant resolution capture images of the same quality and therefore file size? How is it possible that some images on my camera can be 1.5 MB, and others 2.5 MB?

In: Technology

17 Answers

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Cameras use image compression algorithms to keep the files small, and the less information a picture contains, the better these compression algorithms work.

If some of the picture is black for example, the algorithm can just say ‘the upper half is all black’ instead of saving the color of each pixel in that area. And if it only contains a limited number of colors, that also helps.

If you want to try it out, take a picture in a perfectly dark room or cover the lens with something that blocks all light, and you will see that the file that comes out is much smaller than a normal photo.

Blurry images also tend to contain less information and are easier to compress, so if you take multiple photos of the same object, the ones with the smallest file size also tend to be the worst ones in terms of quality/sharpness.

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