how do dna testing companies calculate the percentages of your origin and how can they be so exact?


how do dna testing companies calculate the percentages of your origin and how can they be so exact?

In: 15

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

DNA testing is for fun and a few interesting conversations. In the scheme of things it means nothing because lines drawn on a map (that change with every war/conquest) are not respected by genetic transmission.

DNA testing companies do not have a “pure sample” of any “origin”. All they have are a sample from the population TODAY. Trying to work backwards to some inference is purely a mathematical game at that point – fraught with assumptions, best guesses and correlations. None, zero, naught, nil of these methods are deterministic. The best they get is that “a lot of people who call themselves A have some of this and some of that and maybe we’ll call this a marker for A”. Then as more and more samples are collected, the weaker and weaker these correlations become.

It is a guessing game based on statistics, nothing more. And one thing that everyone needs to understand with statistics – it is IMPOSSIBLE to derive a particular individual characteristic from a population statistic. The simplest example is to flip a coin for heads and tails – in the long term there is a 50/50 statistical outcome but there are ZERO coins with a side of 50/50 heads-tails, a side with either be 100% heads or 100% tails.

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