How do electric circuits work?


I’ve always been very mechanically minded, although when it comes to electronics and circuits, I’m baffled.

How can pieces of silicon and metal make my computer turn on, to being able to run games and programmes?

In: Technology

5 Answers

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The eli5:

Electricity is a force like gravity. Electrons can feel this force, and flow like water.

Wires and circuits are essentially change for the electrons to flow. When they reach a component like a motor they cause it to turn, like a water wheel.

Other components often have mechanical analogs. Transistors can be seen as levers or doorways. Electricity flows against one side, opening or closing it.

A clever arrangenent of these can create situations where flipping one lever closes.or opens others. This allows you to design a setup where a few small changes can alter lots of different things.

Mechanical computers do exist, but are much much larger.

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