How do electronics eventually break? Do the connections on the motherboard get weaker or thinner over time?


How do electronics eventually break? Do the connections on the motherboard get weaker or thinner over time?

In: Technology

7 Answers

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Electronics can suffer physic damage such as being dropped or banged which can damage the parts. One of the most common problems is damaging the power outlet connector because the adapter sticks out from the machine so it’s more prone to breaking the connector.

Many electronic devices have physical moving parts like fans and motors that wear out with time.

There’s also environmental factors. Electronics do not like heat and the accumulation of dust will cause parts to overheat in time, which can cause solder joints and individual electronic components to wear out.

Oxidation is another problem. Rust can accumulate on the parts causing corrosion damage and an oxidation layer can block electrical contacts.

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