how do emojis work?


like, Apple emojis look different on non-Apple devices. why/how is that?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Emojis are text. Your device reads the text before displaying it, and if it sees something jumbled up like &487# then it’s code for something else.

Your device doesn’t display that code to you, it knows to display image 487 instead.

Two different devices may not have the same exact image 487, but they’re roughly the same. As someone would have seen it makes a happy face on some other device so I should draw a happy face of my own for this device.

If you actually wanted to send the text &487# for some reason, and not make it an emoji. It would look something like &487#. The device would know to ignore putting in the image and just remove the before displaying it.

This way of doing it means you aren’t sending a whole image file all the time. Just a bit of text that takes up way less data.

(These aren’t the real codes used by devices, I just made them up for the demonstration.)

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