How do etch-a-sketch’s work?


How do etch-a-sketch’s work?

In: Technology

4 Answers

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You can see how an etch-a-sketch works by drawing over the entire screen.

As you draw bigger and bigger black spots, you start to see through. The lines aren’t black ink. The lines scrape off a powder coating on the inside of the glass, exposing the inside. When hardly any of the screen is clear, the inside is dark, so you see a dark line. But as you start to clear off bigger areas, you see inside. What’s there is a sort of stylus, pressing against the screen, and a vertical and horizontal bar which move the stylus around when you turn the knobs. The stylus scrapes the grey powder off off the glass. There are also a bazillion tiny balls. When you turn the etch-a-sketch upside-down to “erase” it, those balls spread the grey powder all over the glass, covering up the parts you cleared off.

Try it! It’s cool.

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