How do extremely selective Universities discren between highly qualified student candidates ?


Top schools will often receiveds hundreds of thousands of well qualified applications while having an accpetance rate of 10% or lower. Assuming that most students that apply to the school are well placed in terms of grades, test scores, foreign language and extra curriculurs , how does the school discern between an accepted candidate and a rejected candidate ?

I have always wondered this …

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6 Answers

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In my experience, I think it largely came down to my essays. I’ve been told I’m a very strong writer and I think my essays showcased that I was the kind of student they were looking for. The stats matter, sure but some universities care a lot about who the student is as a person more than their grades or accomplishments. At some institutions, an impressive student who can write well and shows strong character has a better chance than a robotic student with perfect scores.

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