How do financial contributions help a campaign to actually win?


How do financial contributions help a campaign to actually win?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Campaigns can be huge operations, especially presidential ones. There are teams in all states doing things like coordinating volunteers, contracting everything from buttons to yard signs to TV ads, coordinating with other areas, keeping tabs of what competing campaigns are doing, fielding questions from the public and the media, and so on. For a big presidential campaing, there can be hundreds or thousands of employees. Like any organization, then they need legal services, IT, HR, PR, and on and on. All of these people need a communications and office infrastructure. All of that cost money. The campaign that raises more money can have more and better quality of those resources, which in turn turn out more votes for the respective candidate.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The large majority of people are already decided on who they would vote for, but not on whether or not they’ll take the time to vote. A lot of campaign money can actually end up going out into efforts to get people to actually go vote, whether that be advertising awareness about registration deadlines, or helping to invigorate people to make them want to vote.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They buy advertisement on TV they pay for billboards and other thing that make it seem that their candidate is very popular and some people just want to be on the winning side without thinking too much about policies.