How do flavors work?


I was sharing a can of bacon flavored pringles at work with some coworkers and we got into discussing the different types of “weird” flavored chips we’ve eaten. Cheeseburger flavor, taco flavor, and oven roasted chicken flavor, pizza flavor, etc. How the heck do they manage to get the chip to taste like a cheeseburger? Bread, cheese, meat, and all? How?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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They first determine what compounds give the food it’s taste. Then they try to create manufacturable artificial compounds that has almost the same chemical composition with those of the original. Then, they add another bunch of compounds called “enhancers” which fine-tunes the flavor to be more close to the original. Lastly, they may add some bits of the original ingredients to further “convince” your mind that “this flavor is cheeseburger”

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