How do genes code for attributes that aren’t proteins?


So the gene for e.g. blue eye colour codes for the amino acid sequence that forms a blue pigment. The gene for sickle cell anaemia has a mutation that changes the shape of haemoglobin.

How are attibrutes such as the shape of facial features, predisposition to balding or mental health issues etc. genetically inherited? Do they all really happen because of different proteins?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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To expand on what u/sethjoness said, protiens are analagous to the concrete used in construction, but they’re also a signaling tool. For instance, if you have a gene that codes for a protein that accelerates bone growth and you have that gene turned on for longer than someone else, your bones are going to be bigger than theirs. Different growth speeds mean different shapes and sizes of your body parts, while different timings mean subtly different arrangements.

A lot of these things are one or two steps removed. For instance, a hormone issue that adjusts your metabolism might indirectly affect your muscle mass, which changes your body shape. Or a reduced production of signaling proteins causes a drop in neuron repair causing cognitive degeneration.

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