How do glasshouses not fry every plant inside during the summer?


How do glasshouses not fry every plant inside during the summer?

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5 Answers

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The glass houses have openable windows at the top- so the hot air can vent out.

Also- big fans help circulate the air to expel the hot air out.

The plants that are grown there are acclimated to hotter, sunnier climate. And when they transpire they actually cool themselves.

Lastly- in glasshouses there is actually less light than in a greenhouse covered with plastic. The amount of metal infrastructure to support those heave glass slabs is much higher than the one needed for plastic roof. The glass is much better at keeping the heat inside during the winter, that’s why it is used in cold places, but it’s costing in light coming in.

Worst case scenario you could always turn on some sprinklers and fans to chill the air even further

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