how do GMT/ UTC (+-) works?


For example, if it’s 06:00 (UTC+8), how would I convert it? How does the +8 part works?

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7 Answers

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UTC is todays standard time reference. Before it was GMT, these two are theoretically slightly different (few seconds) but de facto the same. UTC is today the time standard and GMT is a time zone UTC (0). GMT was established by the British for synchronization of the train schedule, before that 12 o’clock was always local sun high

The conversion factor is often only relevant if you travel between zones (or make other contact across zones ie via internet)

If you are in UTC (+8) (Asia, ie China, Malaysia and Singapore among more), the time at UTC 1200, it is 2000 in Beijing.

If you work at sea like me, we often want to calculate what is the UTC time, we use Zone Time (ZT), here the calculation is the other way around. So 1200 ZT(-8) (again China etc), is UTC 0400

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