How do HD photos and videos seem to look better than our own naked eyes?


HD photos and videos seem to look better than the pictures formed by our own eyes. How is it so? I didn’t know which flair would fit so I chose biology.

In: Technology

4 Answers

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The eye is really good at some things but not so good at others.

Meanwhile, cameras can be good at what ours eyes are bad at, and that’s what really stands out.

For instance, really high dynamic range. Seeing pitch black right next to bright white.

In our eyes, this is weird because of the way light bounces and reflects. Plus our eyes are constantly adjusting to what we’re looking at.

A camera can capture the highs and lows all at once without those adjustments. Then, when we see it as a reproduction instead of actual light, our eyes are able to see it in that static state.

It’s not that it’s better, it’s just different from the way we normally see, and that makes it pleasant.

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