How do helmets protect you?


So your head didn’t hit the stone of the road, I guess that helps.

But, you still hit your head on *something,* essentially. The inside of your helmet.

All that force is still in there, right?

In: Physics

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Explanation for a five year old because I don’t know the chemistry/biomechanics.

The inside of the helmet is made out of a very good shock absorption foam. This is the bit that saves lives.

The hard outer shell is more or less just a way to keep the foam there.

After a fall, the foam crumples and sacrifices itself to save you. After this one fall, the foam is unusable/too damaged and you have to get a new helmet. It also degrades in direct sunlight, but this isn’t an issue because the shell and inner fabric protect the foam.

When in doubt that a helmet’s foam is done after a fall, buy a new helmet.

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