how do house hunting shows work? Do the people looking for a house on the show actually buy a house? Do they get a discount? How does it all work?


how do house hunting shows work? Do the people looking for a house on the show actually buy a house? Do they get a discount? How does it all work?

In: 12

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every reality show you have ever seen is 99% fake and staged. The skill shows like cookingdancing whatever obviously the contestants have talent, but the drama is all staged.

It’s all smoke and mirrors.

You are viewing 1 out of 7 answers, click here to view all answers.

how do house hunting shows work? Do the people looking for a house on the show actually buy a house? Do they get a discount? How does it all work?

In: 12

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every reality show you have ever seen is 99% fake and staged. The skill shows like cookingdancing whatever obviously the contestants have talent, but the drama is all staged.

It’s all smoke and mirrors.

You are viewing 1 out of 7 answers, click here to view all answers.