Usually people overtime breaking words down to type them quicker. Like how people started shortening saying the entirety of “apartment’ compared to apt. I think it just comes down to the most enunciated letters of the word so even saying the abbreviation while ‘silently reading’, it gets you pretty close to saying the original word.
AParTmenT (with a T removed for simplicity) ; APT
ManaGMenT ; MGMT
You also have the abbreviations that shorten a phrase, and tend to use the first letters. Sure someone right off the bat might not know, but after you figure it out it stays with you.
AFAIK: As Far As I Know
AFK: Away From Keyboard
TY: Thank You
BRB: Be Right Back
It’s all most likely to just save a few seconds and makes it a little easier while still keeping the original meaning.
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