How do larger websites keep the massive amount of data that they have going back however far ready for me to access?


I understand about server storage but that’s finite isn’t it? How can I look at news articles or saved and favorites for sites as large as news sites or this one with stuff going back a decade plus? For example, with the millions of new posts on this site everyday they have to run out of server storage space for it by now so how can I still access things that I’d saved going back that far?

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> but that’s finite isn’t it?

But they can just buy more! Storage is stupidly cheap in the grand scheme of things. Until recently reddit only supported storing text. Do you know how *tiny* text is? You can fit all of Shakespeare’s work in .txt form onto a 40$ 1TB HDD 184 thousand times.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Serve storage is finite because everything man-made is finite. However data servers and the associated hardware and software are what the internet is built upon.

So the amount of data can be incredibly massive.

The amount of data that you will ever access in a lifetime of data usage is by comparison very small.