how do LED grow lights replicate the sun when growing plants . how does photosynthesis and respiration happen?


how do LED grow lights replicate the sun when growing plants . how does photosynthesis and respiration happen?

In: Biology

4 Answers

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An LED grow light is actually a panel of lots of little lights, and each of these lights has its own specific color, or wavelength. The best grow lights are the ones that make the wavelengths that your particular type of plant needs most, in the amounts that it needs them. This may or may not be exactly the same as full spectrum sunlight.

Photosynthesis is a complicated process, but basically it’s the plant using the energy of light in certain wavelengths to turn water and carbon dioxide into food for growth and development, with oxygen released as a byproduct. Using nutrients from the soil, the plant makes a chemical called chlorophyll which makes this process possible.

Respiration means breathing, which plants do just like us, except with leaves instead of lungs, and in the opposite way — they inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, instead of the other way around.

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