how do livers grow back but can’t repair themselves after damaging them ?


how do livers grow back but can’t repair themselves after damaging them ?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The damage caused scarring and scar tissue won’t perform the same function. If you get enough scar tissue, your liver won’t perform well.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it as cutting your skin and allow it to heal and cutting your skin and while it is healing cut it again. This analogy can be applied to liver. And explains why ‘damage to liver’ as in ‘prolonged’ cannot be mended.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They can repair themselves after damaging them. Your liver has an amazing ability to repair itself and regenerate. Unfortunately this ability isn’t limitless. If it is repeatedly damaged (e.g. by alcohol) it will heal itself but over time will develop scar tissue. After this has happened many times the liver will become fibrosed and a bit stiff and it if becomes further damaged it will eventually become cirrhotic. At this point there is usually chronic liver failure and the usual symptoms will appear (e.g jaundice, ascites etc). At the cirrhotic phase it is just too badly damaged and scarred to get better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When damage to our tissues is too severe to be done “right”, the body rushes to fix the mess.

It rushes which creates scar tissue (basically half-assed tissue) which prevents further damage (I.e, bleeding to death). This tissue does NOT function correctly. Get too much of it in place of regular liver tissue and you really don’t have a liver anymore.