How do maps apps (Waze, Google maps, etc) actually calculate best routes and time for distance travelled? Is it all from tracking?


How do maps apps (Waze, Google maps, etc) actually calculate best routes and time for distance travelled? Is it all from tracking?

In: 22

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s more or less the same technology that helps get your internet traffic from your computer to Reddit’s servers. It’s a routing protocol.

If they use traffic data, all they’re doing is calculating the “cost” of taking a particular stretch of road. After that, you take those costs and throw them into a routing algorithm. The idea of a routing algorithm is that it keeps reaching out from the road that has the lowest cost.

The particular algorithm (or variation of) that maps use will also add a metric that is basically a measure of “Are we actually getting closer to your target?”. This keeps the rather open routing problem focused on getting to one destination. Here’s a video with a good example on it.

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