How do marketing organizations measure or otherwise ‘know’ what the true influence is of social media influencers? The number of followers seems like an incredibly crude metric that may not get at actual influence…


How do marketing organizations measure or otherwise ‘know’ what the true influence is of social media influencers? The number of followers seems like an incredibly crude metric that may not get at actual influence…

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of the time they don’t. However, influencers are pretty cheap compared to traditional advertising, so it’s worth the risk. Also, in the case of Youtubers, once they do a video, it stays up forever. Compared to TV, radio, newspaper, magazine ads, that disappear quickly.

The old quote about advertising is “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

So you do a bunch of advertising, if sales go up, you keep doing that. Even if you don’t know 100% for sure that it’s the cause of the increased sales. If sales go down, you do something different.

The other option is to give influencers affiliate links, so anybody that purchases is linked back to the source. Google analytics etc can tell you where traffic is coming from.

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