How do marketing organizations measure or otherwise ‘know’ what the true influence is of social media influencers? The number of followers seems like an incredibly crude metric that may not get at actual influence…


How do marketing organizations measure or otherwise ‘know’ what the true influence is of social media influencers? The number of followers seems like an incredibly crude metric that may not get at actual influence…

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The goal of advertising is no longer as direct as any sort of 1:1 advertisement to sale. The general goal of modern advertising is to increase the share of a product in your mind.

Assuming you are a guy you don’t use tampons for example. But if your girlfriend asked you to go buy her some I bet you would buy one of the major brands because that feels like the “default” and what is “normal” and so even though that is a product you might not ever personally need you have carved out a definition of what is acceptable in that space.

stuff like influencers are just meant to get good positive associations in your head. In some form that will someday translate to sales, but they don’t expect anything like you running out to buy the product right when you hear a youtube say it, they expect your list of options to narrow down a bit. So when you do need to buy a website your mental list of possibilities will have squarespace on it because you heard every single podcast in the last 5 years say it a trillion times. And like, wendy’s sassy twitter isn’t there to make you run out and buy cheeseburger, it’s there to make you like wendy’s and think of it sort of generally positively.

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