how do microphones in a phone not pick up any audio that the speakers put out? if I put a call on speaker mode, how do people on the other end not hear themselves?


how do microphones in a phone not pick up any audio that the speakers put out? if I put a call on speaker mode, how do people on the other end not hear themselves?

In: Technology

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Won’t read the replies but I’ll add some little fact:

Audio is highly digital these days, meaning what the other part hears ain’t nothing like a 1×1 voice connection, and yes the byproduct of noise cancellation tech such as mixing and stabilizing multiple microphone sources and applying other hardware/software optimizations such as compression so fast and with such efficiency it happens in what gives us the impression of a real time conversation. Kinda like why phones come with multiple cameras instead of a single one, they’re all working in tandem to construct the illusion of a great camera.

This technology is being expanded for video, in initiatives such as Google’s Starline where again, SEVERAL components are working in amazing speed to give the illusion of real time talk, by emulating what we perceive as real time.

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