How do navigation systems know when new roads are added?


When there are new roads being built, how do navigation systems like Waze or Google Maps know about them? How do they add the roads? Do they add them manually or is there some smart way?

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gis data is compiled and updated. But yeah, in a city with lots of new and continuous construction, the lag between the data updates and the speed at which roads are built and closed is pretty obvious so they don’t really “know” immediately, someone has to survey and update the maps.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They need to be updated. Your car dealership will be more than happy to sell you an upgrade for like $200.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most GPS maps have an option to make a report. If you have a new road, you can click on whatever the symbol or drop down is for making a report and fill it out according to the directions. New technology is being added all the time, and some new in dash GPS will be sending data 2 ways and all you’ll have to do is drive down the new road for it to be added.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When governments make new roads they also produce an official record of them, and this data can either be made publicly available or sold to such mapping services as Google for a fee. Then Google just updates their map information from those records.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the days before Google maps and phone based navigation, you had to buy updated maps add load them onto the navigation system.