How do our cells and things know to do the thing, as in, attack things? How do they know whats a threat and whats not when it comes to things such as viruses/immune disease. Do they have brains? xD


How do our cells and things know to do the thing, as in, attack things? How do they know whats a threat and whats not when it comes to things such as viruses/immune disease. Do they have brains? xD

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For those that want more in-depth. Your cells have glycoproteins unique to you. Your immune cells won’t attack cells with those on it ( if this stops working disease: autoimmune disease).

You macrophage cells (somebody correct me) will eat things that don’t have the glycoproteins, and break them up. They pass the broken up bits to apc cells that then give it to B cells. B cells will then make anti body’s that will target virus. T cells will kill any B cell that make antibodies that target normal cells.

It’s the T cells that stop antibodies being made that attach your cells, and glycoproteins that stop your cells being phagocytosed.

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