How do our cells and things know to do the thing, as in, attack things? How do they know whats a threat and whats not when it comes to things such as viruses/immune disease. Do they have brains? xD


How do our cells and things know to do the thing, as in, attack things? How do they know whats a threat and whats not when it comes to things such as viruses/immune disease. Do they have brains? xD

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They don’t have brains. But they are coordinated by your immune system that actually keeps track of what kind of attackers it knows. There are cells that are there just to identify the attacker and then produce antibodies as a tailored solution. They use different kind of information, from cell shape to genetic markers to decide if an object is a threat or not.

You don’t need a brain to make meaningful decisions, microorganisms can navigate, find food, and in some cases even chase it without a single neuron

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