How do people come up with new words for new inventions, like the word “film” or “movies” or “video” for when they invented video recording?


Like when they created that riding horse video that it is the first video created, using the idea of frames per second and motion image. How do people think: wow let’s call this a movie, let’s call this a video etc

Or when they invented the train, they just go like “look at this amazing way of transportation, let’s call it a train”

In: 17

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not exactly the same thing, but I love how the term “wireless” is really a very old term. It seems like a modern tech term, but in reality, they were using the term “wireless” when they were referring to radios between old ships (like in the era of the Titanic). The old morse code telegraphs used wires that ran along the railroads, But when they started using the same transmitters on ships to communicate, they became “wireless”. The term sort of went away (I think) for a period of time, and then when wi-fi became a thing, it returned.

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