How do people come up with new words for new inventions, like the word “film” or “movies” or “video” for when they invented video recording?


Like when they created that riding horse video that it is the first video created, using the idea of frames per second and motion image. How do people think: wow let’s call this a movie, let’s call this a video etc

Or when they invented the train, they just go like “look at this amazing way of transportation, let’s call it a train”

In: 17

7 Answers

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>Like when they created that riding horse video that it is the first video created, using the idea of frames per second and motion image. How do people think: wow let’s call this a movie, let’s call this a video etc

The riding horse was a motion picture, not video. It was pictures that moved. Not a surprising name and it was later shortened to the movie. It was not a video

Video is electronically transmitted moving images. The usages start in early TV experiments in the 1930s and come from the Latin verb videre ‘to see’. It is formed like Audio that comes from audire “to hear”.

In science and engineering using Latin and greek to name stuff is common historically and today. If you look back at universities Latin was the language used all over Europe. A move to local languages starts in the 18th century

Today video is primarily used for recording pictures and sound electronically, it stared on videotape but is not primary digital in computers. The first video tape recorder was sold in 1956

The word train was not invented for the transportation we know today. The origin is latin trahō (“to pull, to draw”) and is used for something elongated or trailing. Fabric that extends back of clothing and trails on the ground is called a train, You see it sometimes today in bridal gowns.

You also see it used in a group of people following a king or a mobile. They often had a cloth with fabric trains, this was both in male and female clothes.

So a line or just a sequence of parts or events was a train. A line of wagon is a wagon train

Then when you have multiple wagon rails it was naturally called a train. These will be wooden tracks and wagons pulled by horses or other animals. They are often called Wagonway today.

You later get metal tracks but still hoses that pull them and finally steam-powered locomotives.

So no one invented the trains as we know them today and invented the word, it was already in use multiple of something that move in a line, it might be connected or not connected.

The way to find the origin of a world is to search for etymology and the word, Another good place to look for history of invention is Wikipedia articles

A good way to find the origin of a word is

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