How do people create fake identities and new identities,lives without getting caught.


When people fake their deaths,how do they go about starting their new life without getting caught like they do in the movies and spies?

What is the step by step process they do and is it still possible in modern times?

In: Other

16 Answers

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In general it is exceptionally difficult to do without substantial assistance. Typically you need a state actor of some sort to handle the details if you are serious about not getting caught.

If you’re going about it without the sponsorship of state actors, you would need to live a seriously uneventful life. Places like police stations, hospitals, unemployment centers, and universities are all places that could easily unmask an amateur assuming an identity. DNA and fingerprints are the most common ways that this happens; nowadays it is fairly common for a lot of background checks run on people to look for hallmarks of fake identity, and funds moved under the name of a deceased person raises a big red flag for those trying to cut off things like terrorism funding. Large sums being moved for things like buying a house would be a big risk too, same story for life insurance payouts.

TLDR; possible, easy to slip up and get caught, would not recommend

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