How do people create fake identities and new identities,lives without getting caught.


When people fake their deaths,how do they go about starting their new life without getting caught like they do in the movies and spies?

What is the step by step process they do and is it still possible in modern times?

In: Other

16 Answers

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In pre-internet times, one method was to watch the obituaries. You could find someone who just died, then create a fake version of their ID with your image to use out of town. Any records with things like social security numbers or drivers license numbers will accept yours as valid because the person actually existed, so there isn’t an immediate flag to say that its fake. All you had to do was make sure you never interacted with anyone who knew/knew of the real dead person.

These days with everything being digital and available almost instantly, its far harder to fake.

Simple things like photo ID to buy alcohol can be pulled off if you’re talented, but you wouldn’t have much luck using it anywhere that they would want to verify your ID. Cops who ran the number would know, banks would know, etc.

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