Not necessary. Aging happens when your cells replace dead ones but each time it happens genome doesn’t copy completely because bits reading it have to latch on to it to read and copy it so the end bits get lost each time it happens. Genome has some nonsense info at the ends so you dont deteriorate immediately then you usually have some info that is not that important for your survival like your hair pigment then some more important stuff. So everyone is different but lets say we have the same identical person in coma and other one living normally.
One important thing that can affect answer is reason for coma and extent of damage that comatosed that person. Lets say they have the same diet but obviously different proportions.
Now lets say he just went to sleep? So cells have the same half-life but body replaces damaged and dead ones so person living outside is bombarded with uv and that kills skin cells so sun would make him age faster. Then you have tiny little traumas minor injuries even sports tear your muscles making them stronger but killing some in the process. (Cardio could mitigate early heart attack so sports people do tend to live longer but we are talking about aging alone). Comatose people tend to have slowed down digestion pulse and that generally make them age slower.
So in short yes coma would slow down aging somewhat but I wouldn’t recommend it.
edit: Oh regarding sickness it all depends immune system would be weaker slightly because you dont get to interact with many people while in coma but also you would come across less “germs”
Comatose people do have bad time with pneumonia and/or vomiting tho.
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