how do people isolate specific audio tracks from a file without access to the master tapes? Such as when someone makes an isolated vocal or bass track of a song or when someone makes a mashup of instruments from one song with the vocals from another.


Such as when people make “isolated bass/vocal,” tracks of popular songs or make a meme mashup of one song with he vocal line of another over it?

In: Technology

8 Answers

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In addition to isolating frequencies and stereo, there are also a few other ways.

1: Isolate and chop different parts of a beat to isolate each instrument, you can pitch up or down if you only get one note.

2: If you need an acapella, and have the original track and the instrumental, you can sometimes isolate the accapella by combining the original with a version of the instrumental with the waveforms inversed to cancel each other out

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