How do people keep finding treasure in British fields that is hundreds of years old and why is it scattered there in the first place?


How do people keep finding treasure in British fields that is hundreds of years old and why is it scattered there in the first place?

In: 590

22 Answers

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For all that it seems static to us, the Earth is constantly in subtle motion in little and big ways. If you’ve ever lived on a farm in a region with stony ground and tough winters, you’ll know that the spring thaw brings a crop of fresh stones. The cycle of freezing and thawing slowly moved buried stones closer to the surface, and that happens with a lot of things. Human activity in previously unsettled areas also leads to the discovery of something new every so often. Erosion over centuries can expose long-hidden secrets.

Lots of mechanisms exist which mean that there’s always new strata being exposed, and all that goes with it.

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