how do people make huge $ bonds?


There’s a murder story in my home town and the guy had a $6 million bail and paid it. How? I understand there are places you can get bond money but $6 million? Every time i google it, the results are just bail bond links and advice to get off.


5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The bondsmen my friend worked for only needed like 10% of the bond and it didn’t have to be in cash.

If it was a $10,000 bond for example you might have $1k in the bank or could borrow it. But often times you could put up the title of your car or home against it if you had $100k or $1mil. Each bondsmen could set his own limits based on the risk you were to taking off and jumping bail.

So if you had good credit and we’re a staple in the community you could get away with 3-5% down.

If you had skipped bail before or had terrible credit or anything else, he would make you have all the money or just not give you a bond because he knew he wasn’t getting his money back and you probably weren’t showing up for court. And that’s when the bounty hunters had to come find you.

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