How do people photoshop something out of a picture without there just being a blank space where the previous image stood?


I don’t get it… the light isn’t reflected off the object into the lenses, right? So how is there an image waiting behind the person you just photoshopped out?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>how is there an image waiting behind the person you just photoshopped out?

There isn’t. Part of learning to be proficient at using Photoshop is learning to recreate missing parts of an image by copying other parts (or even parts of completely different photos) and blending them together. Photoshop can try to do some of that for you, but the best results are obtained by an actual, skilled person.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can copy and paste and blend parts of the background from other sections of the picture. There are even auto patching things to do this. It’s is more or less obvious depending on the skill of the photoshopper

Anonymous 0 Comments

The missing areas can be filled by using the clone brush to select similar areas, layered and feathered in etc. Depends on the size of the missing portion.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Photoshop has a number of tools that help with this, probably one of the more useful ones is the clone tool. The reconstruction of what’s behind doesn’t come from the photo (unless it’s available). Very often what these artists do is come up with something reasonable and believable using the tools Photoshop offers.