How do police use dental records to identify dead people?


If they don’t know who you are they can’t go to YOUR dentist, right? Is there a National database that stores all of our our bitewings – I don’t remember consenting to that! And teeth look a lot alike on those X-rays – do you need special training to tell one set apart from another?

In: 1811

31 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say they find a burn victim in your apartment. No one can identify your remains, but since it’s your apartment, a reasonable hypothesis is that it’s you. To confirm or refute the hypothesis, they will look for identifying marks you are known to have (let’s say you had a titanium rod in your tibia, or two dental crowns and a damaged incisor). Since these are not affected by the fire, they look for them by checking your health records at your health provider (it’s likely that you will have a provider in the area or maybe your family knows the address).

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