How do prostitutes and drug dealer make sure that their earned money is real?


How do prostitutes and drug dealer make sure that their earned money is real?

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12 Answers

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Well a lot of drug dealers and prostitutes are using Cashapp now for payment. So they can be paid digitally without any physical bills. But how to know cash is real or not depends how new it is. One if it’s movie money it’s covered in stuff saying it’s movie money and the portraits are messed up and the bills are larger.

If it’s counterfeit and it’s supposed to be a newer 20$ or 50$ you can look at the gold 20 or 50 in the corner and turn the bill while in light. Real money the gold number shines and changes color a bit, fake ones don’t, they’re just flat ink with no reflection. And if you get a stack of counterfeit bills you don’t have to go through maybe six bills before the serial numbers start repeating.

The new 100$ bills are covered in too many deterrents to be faked. And if it’s one of the newer bills where jackson or franklin aren’t in a frame, you can rub their shoulder and find bumps there that give a tactile protection as well. One and five dollar bills aren’t worth counterfeiting.

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