How do protests work?


Do the people in office just get peer pressured into resigning or something?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, often they don’t work.

When they *do* work it’s because they’re implied threats.

“We’ll stay here making noise, blocking traffic and being a nuisance until you give in to our demands”.

“We’ll make enough noise that this city is going to be on all the front pages, nationwide or even globally, for as long as it takes”


“we’re staying here and not going back to work until you give us what you want”


“we’ll stay here, and if you let a month-long protest happen it’ll look bad for you and you’ll never get re-elected. And you’ll probably also hurt your party. It’s best for you to just step back now”

or even

“we’re just standing here shouting and waving signs *for now*, but we can turn this into a riot if need be. We’ll burn down this damn city if we have to”

The “everyone is out waving signs for an afternoon and then we’ll go back to normal” kind of protests generally don’t move the needle. But protests which threaten to continue for longer periods, or which threaten to cause more significant trouble might actually put the people in power under pressure or making them look bad. And that can get results.

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