How do random number generators work?


How do random number generators work?

In: 119

10 Answers

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Depends on the generator.

Most computer generators use the date and time down to the smallest fraction of the second. It’s then put through a few complicated math formulas that basically says look at X digit and Y digit and do things with those. Ensuring every single time you rerun it you get a different number.

A great example of this is the Nintendo GameCube. The “clock” wasn’t based on the exact time of day but when the system was powered up. So it gave the same exact numbers, while technically random, in order every aingle time it was rebooted allowing you to manipulate “random” factors.

Most other machines use a more exact time of day or using memory saves a number to add to the formula to ensure it’s random. More modern consoles do this, even if you try to set the date of a Nintendo Switch, the string of numbers produced will be different.

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