How do rape kits/paternity tests work if sperm only has 50% of the father’s DNA?


How do rape kits/paternity tests work if sperm only has 50% of the father’s DNA?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each sperm only has 50%.
There are many many millions of sperm.
The odds that all of them miss any part of the father’s DNA is essentially zero.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I mean…spermatozoa contains 50% of DNA compared to the othet cells.

But 100% of this 50% DNA belong to the guy who ejaculated.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Even 50% of the DNA is roughly a shitload of data. You still got extremely much to compare with.

Say that you are matching if two books are the same. Even if you only have every second word of one of the books. you can still make a pretty strong assumption on whether it is the same book or not.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sperm is a very small part of ejaculate. The semenial fluid contains significant amounts of the man’s DNA.