How do reality show interviews work?


This might sound dumb but I really don’t get it. Sometimes it looks like the interview (most often in a separate Interview room) was really made right at the time a scene happened, but then again you see people wearing the same things in every interview that supposedly should have happened across multiple days.

In: Other

16 Answers

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To add onto this – I worked in reality / competition for a decade. There’s some interviews called OTF’s (on the fly) that are actually done in the moment. Usually they’re all done on specific days and times and the talent wears the same clothes so that we can use bites from different days to complete thoughts and sentences via something called frankenbites – so if you see a person start a sentence and it cuts to something in scene with a voice over and then lands back on them, there’s a good chance it was assembled from other interview bites.

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