How do rebel and paramilitary groups get international support?


I know that countries governments communicate with each other using embassies, but how would a non-state actor make diplomatic communications with another country?

If an armed paramilitary group was emerging, and had decent enough manpower and support within the country it operated in (say, they were trying to overthrow the government) and needed weapons, how would they make contact with a foreign source willing to supply them, and how would the weapons arrive into the country from whatever foreign source was supplying them?


In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer. Somebody knows somebody who knows somebody…

Let’s use the old IRA as an example. A dozen Chicago men decide they want to send Cousin Sean in Belfast a few pounds of C4. They talk to the local bookie, who knows the drug dealer, who knows a smuggler…

It’s like any other criminal enterprise, there’s always going to be someone willing to supply whatever you demand.

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