how do salmon get worms in it?

36 viewsBiologyOther

I’ve read that people are finding live worms in their salmon. How does that happen? Are they in there because the fish eat them and then the fish get killed? Why doesn’t freezing the fish kill them? Is there a type of fish that is less likely to have that issue?

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Parasites. They burrow into the muscle. Freezing does kill them, it has to be frozen down to acertain temperature. And then there’s eggs… Any fish not properly treated is probably going to have issues.

Anonymous 0 Comments

they consume an intermediate host, part of the parasite life cycle. they hatch and migrate to the flesh

usually nematodes like Anisakis simplex.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re parasites. All living things are capable of being infested with parasites – even humans. The fish typically get the parasites by eating something else infected with them. Flash freezing and cooking kill the parasites. Different species of fish are more or less prone to different types of parasites, but all fish can have parasites.

Anonymous 0 Comments


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