How do scissors “know” what hand you’re holding them in?


I’m left-handed and growing up, in school, there were never enough left handed scissors between myself and the maybe two other lefties in my class so I would often need to use right-handed scissors. But they would either not cut paper at all or kind of tear the paper, forcing me to switch to my right hand to get the scissors to cut smoothly.

Just yesterday I needed to trim a label and no matter how I angled the scissors, they would not cut the paper but they immediately did once I switched to my right hand. Thus, how do scissors “know” which hand you’re holding them in?

In: 2488

78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine a pair of tongs. They work well because they are lined up and can apply equal force on each side. If you had misaligned tongs you wouldn’t be picking up anything, things would get flipped. Your hand is applying this to scissors subconsciously on a smaller scale and scissors are designed to account for that misalignment to counter your hand. Often times the right hand, with the right you are closing the gap in alignment. With the left hand you are widening the gap

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Thus, how do scissors “know” which hand you’re holding them in?

How do your shoes know which foot they’re on?

They, like scissors, are shaped to fit one side of your body better than the other and work best used on that side.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Thus, how do scissors “know” which hand you’re holding them in?

How do your shoes know which foot they’re on?

They, like scissors, are shaped to fit one side of your body better than the other and work best used on that side.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Thus, how do scissors “know” which hand you’re holding them in?

How do your shoes know which foot they’re on?

They, like scissors, are shaped to fit one side of your body better than the other and work best used on that side.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m lefty and I can only use right handed scissors in my right hand and can’t use left handed ones at all. Just feels wrong. Writing is probably one of the only things I do left handed because I’ve simply grown up in a right handed world and learnt to use those items first

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m lefty and I can only use right handed scissors in my right hand and can’t use left handed ones at all. Just feels wrong. Writing is probably one of the only things I do left handed because I’ve simply grown up in a right handed world and learnt to use those items first

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m lefty and I can only use right handed scissors in my right hand and can’t use left handed ones at all. Just feels wrong. Writing is probably one of the only things I do left handed because I’ve simply grown up in a right handed world and learnt to use those items first