How do series like Planet Earth capture footage of things like the inside of ant hills, or sharks feeding off of a dead whale?


Partially I’m wondering the physical aspect of how they fit in these places or get close enough to dangerous situations to film them; and partially I’m wondering how they seem to be in the right place at the right time to catch things like a dead whale sinking down into the ocean?

What are the odds they’d be there to capture that and how much time do they spend waiting for these types of things?

In: Technology

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a podcast about wildlife called “The Wild” []( and the most recent one was about a videographer who was trying to film siberian tigers in the wild for the first time ever. 7 months in a hole in the ground, eating peanuts, rice, vitamins, salt and water. Twice per week exiting the hole to take a #2… in a bag that is sealed and hauled out later. Oh and it is -30C. He is literally in a hole in the ground for months!

The photographers are hard core to get that footage!!! Have a listen. That guy is both cool as hell and a bit insane. He and his resupply guy wouldn’t make eye contact so that it wouldn’t remind him how lonely it was out there alone.

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