How do snakes produce venom?


How do snakes produce venom?

In: 2

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In their venom glands. They are very similar to salivary glands of mammals, but instead of saliva and saliva enzymes produce different chemicals (basically complicated protein chains, that instead of say amylase in human saliva which breaks down starches, break down proteins in muscles, or cell walls of animal cells, or interfere with neurotransmitters).

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same way you produce sweat, saliva, piss, shit, bile, and all the lovely bodily fluids. It’s just a natural process of their biology.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s made in their salivary glands. Their salivary glands have evolved to produce toxic enzymes. Venom is just saliva that contains toxic enzymes in addition to normal digestive enzymes found in every other creature’s saliva.