How do some symptoms of illness being “an impending sense of doom” work, chemically?


I don’t mean like mental Illness but like if
you have something physically wrong
with you just happen and you’re gonna
die. I read that the wrong type of blood
transfusion can cause that feeling as a symptom of something being seriously wrong with your body. What makes the doom feeling feel so different than other
feelings, chemically?

I know similar questions have been asked before, I’m not asking why it’s a symptom, I’m trying to ask how does the doom feeling happen, what kind of things does the body and brain do to produce that feeling, versus a normal adrenaline rush when you are in danger.

In: 7

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The most common time this phrase is used in medicine is to describe one of the side effects of the drug “Adenosine”, which we use for certain fast heart rhythms, such as supraventricular tachycardia. It essentially “resets” the heart’s electrical activity so your heart stops beating for a few seconds, which causes that feeling of “impending doom”.

All my patients have described to me just how terrifying it feels.

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