How do speakers work?


To clarify, I understand magnets vibrating fabric, and how that produces noise. I do not know how one constantly vibrating thing can produce multiple tones at the same time as required for music. Like base and trebels together in songs, how can you hear both at the same time?


4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It sounds like you understand the mechanics of how a speaker works. It simply vibrates in a way that creates a complex wave of energy in the air. If you zoom in on a sound wave in an audio editing program you’ll see a complex shape made up of the additive and subtractive peaks and valleys of multiple frequencies. The speaker creates a wave of energy in the air that looks like that. The magic happens in our ear. That complex wave of air compression and rarefaction is decoded by our brain into the constituent frequencies of that complex wave. Since nothing that I know of in nature produces a perfect sine wave this phenomenon occurs with every sound producing thing… not just speakers.

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