How do stars manage to create the same constellations multiple times?


I don’t see a flair option for Astronomy…

But I just recently wondered how stars could line up perfectly to create an Orions belt or many other shapes. Not only that but how do constellations end up being formed more than once? Are we looking at the same stars?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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The stars in Orion’s belt are always the same stars, The only objects that move around enough to notice without careful long term records or telescopes are the ones in our own solar system. What’s moving is you, and the planet. It’s like putting a photo on your wall, then slowly spinning your chair so you end up facing the same direction a day later. The photo is still the same, you’re just facing the right way to see it again.

There’s open source software called Stellarium, you can turn off the atmosphere and ground, to see where the stars are when it’s daytime, or put in a location to see what stars are visible from where at any given time. You can also fast forward time, it’s definitely worth playing around with. Sometime I’ll notice a star or planet, try to work out which one it is, then check stellarium to see if I was right.

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