how do successful restaurants run?


i know this sounds like a stupid question but how do cook to order restaurants work? how often do they have to throw away food? and do they keep the leftovers for the next day(/s?)

In: Other

12 Answers

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Tons of experience. Knowing when you need to reduce ordering, when to increase. Yes, things need to be thrown away, but smart ordering keeps that down. And just like your own grocery shopping, stocking up on non perishables when there’s a good deal. Frozen foods are a restaurant’s best friend. But, that can be sacrificing quality, so they need to find a balance.

Make friends with other restaurants so when you run out of something, they got you.

Leftovers? Hell yeah. Do you know what potato skins are? Yesterday’s baked potatoes.

Food costs are pretty minimal compared to labor costs though. That’s why restaurants have staffing that juuuuust covers the needs, so when one person calls in, they’re short.

There’s a million things going on. Juggling them is an art. Not everyone can do it. Did you know that white tablecloths and napkins are cheaper to have laundered?

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